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GrandMaster Raziel
I live in Scotland but I'm originally from Texas. I've been an avid gamer since the early '80s and have played just about every game out there. I have a lovely wife and 5 children, so getting the life / gaming balance is always important.
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Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Whisperings on the wind....

Hi Folks

Just thought I would share a few tidbits of information I've come across.  I can't say where from, but the news is good.

First of all, Necrons are for Nov'11 followed closely by the Black Templars for Xmas '11.  And with the withdrawl of the metal blisters by GW, there will be new resins for the complete line very very soon... and I've been assured that my Dark Angels will recieve some love as well next year with a realignment to the new rules which will come out next year... :)

I have other bits of info that I may be able to share soon, will keep you posted :)

Cheers and Happy Hunting!